Thursday, July 24, 2008

My response CNN's spokesperson Glenn Beck

When was the last time an American politician created this much fuss in any foreign country? CNN prove yet again their incompetence and inability to provide newsworthy stories today with another well timed spew of bile from 'Glenn Beck'.

We all know how media leans to the left and right, but very few powerful media outlets grant personal opinions as part of their front page headline. You usually have to dig a little, unless of course it's Fox News.... and CNN. The talk-show host and self confessed non-journalist, Glenn Beck, has been granted front page headline ops for years now. This is just wrong. Any time I've responded with criticism of CNN's decision to give this guy the town square podium, my post has been ignored. So, I've decided to fall in line and give CNN what they want, my opinion on his most recent right wing rant.

Recently Barack Obama has been touring the middle-east and making stops in parts of Europe. It's hardly news that Obama is an extremely popular person. He symbolizes the polar opposite of the current regime. Proof in fact that all Americans aren't over-weight red necks with a gun in one hand, a fast-food burger in the other and a bible lodged somewhere else. Compared to the current president, Obama has electrified not just the other half of Americans but other countries in the world. Millions if not billions of people have watched in dis-belief as George Bush made error after error, gaff after gaff, lie after lie all the while supported by the most secretive, neo-conservative government in American history who's actions so far have left the world on an edge not scene since the cold war. Okay, enough - here's my response to .Beck's criticism of Obama's recent media attention .

"Mr. Beck: Barack Obama's whirlwind tour of the middle-east and Europe is receiving massive media coverage because he is carrying the candle-of-light in this dark chapter of our nations history. Besides, why is this such a surprise to you when no other presidential candidate has embarked on a foreign tour of this magnitude so close to an election? Why such shock Mr. Beck, after 8 years of belligerent, aggressive, misguided evangel-neo-conservative, right-wing leadership that has reduced our standings on the world stage to that of an empirical bully?"


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