Thursday, July 03, 2008

2500 Lightning Strikes

We didn't have spring this year. It went from winter to summer over the space of a weekend with temperatures in the 90's this past week or so. This is when the locals begin to remind one another why we stick it out during autumn, winter and spring! When the sun comes out in summer and gentle breezes come off the lakes and ocean, Seattle is probably the most beautiful city in the country.

Yesterday a few clouds rolled in and by evening we had what must be tropical rain mixed with thunder. Then the lightening joined in. Nothing major, just a near constant flash way off in the distance. It was on my walk back from the pub - I needed a few frosty ales with all that heat - when I noticed how much lightening there actually was. I counted strikes every 2 - 10 seconds. And it didn't let up. At times the sky was constantly lit, almost like a strobe light. Fantastic. Especially after a few ales.

Here's some video:

It's morning now, the air is thick with dark clouds and rumbles of thunder. Lightening remains all around the city.


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