Thursday, November 22, 2007


The day that is bigger than Christmas in the U.S. is upon us. It's a beautiful crystal clear-blue-cold day out there. We're not all that into it but are going to cook a turkey dinner more so for the kids. If we don't, they'll start getting invited to other people's houses as they start getting older knowing we couldn't care less if they come home or not!

I've come to really like the idea of Thanksgiving now. In the past I just couldn't get into the idea. It just stunk of American hypocricy. Starving pilgrims take food from native's to get them through their first winter only to exterminate the majority of the natives across the country in the years that follow - lovely.

Nowadays though, I'll take it as an opportunity to get the family together and appreciate what you have - which I do almost every day. Hmmm, doesn't everybody do that already? I'm not making it easy on myself. Maybe I'll just enjoy the days off.

I'm up and about now walking again - all be it slowly. I walked for what was probably no less than a quarter of a mile yesterday and by the end of it I was wiped out. I mean completely head spinning exhausted. I never thought something as simple as a fractured knee would take so much out of me. Which is a concern especially as the doctor was not encouraged by my inability to straighten the leg out entirely when I visited last Friday. It may need an operation yet if the tendons don't repair.

Three weeks at home have been fine with me though. Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 have certainly helped with the rehabilitation!


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