Thursday, September 04, 2008

God Help Us

If there ever was a time to start praying to the lord, then this is it. I watched Palin's speech last night with fear and trepidation. What a condescending load of shallow, crowd stirring, empty shite. Not once did she mention any of the real issues that this election is about. She lied about Barack Obama and harped on about McCain's service to the country all the while carrying a smug grin empowered by her super secretary hair style, the only thing missing a pencil to hold her hair in place.

If McCain thinks he's going to sweep up Hillary supporters by appointing this raving lunatic as his VP, the old man is sorely mistaken. Palin is against a woman's right to choose - even if a child is raped, even if she is about to die giving birth. Palin is against contraception. Palin believes Creationism should be taught in school. For those Euro-centric readers who aren't quite sure what 'creationism' is, it is science taught from an angle that a man with a beard sitting on a cloud us the ultimate creator and all this science mumb-jumbo is just theory. Sure, she loves to shoot animals and believes we should all be armed to the teeth, even while a mad man went on a rampage not 25 miles from where we live killing 6 people 3 days ago. Sure she believes an Alaskan energy pipe line should be built because it is "god's will", you can almost empathize and forgive her for holding these beliefs because after-all she runs a town with a population of 9000 and they probably don't have all that much going for them. Especially the Librarian she trIed to fire because the librarian believed books, that Palin deems ungodly because of inappropriate language, shouldn't be banned. Here's a letter
from someone, from her town, that has known her along time, that doesn't agree with her views. A very interesting read.

Yes, it's times like these that I wonder why people confuse god and religion with ideology and conclude we are no different as a society than we were 2000 years ago. No wonder aliens won't contact us!


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