I left work early on Friday. Wandered up to my bus stop as I normally do noticing three choppers stationary in the sky. I knew there was something up as you never see stationary choppers in this town. As I got closer I could see the flashing red and blues of police and ambulance lights. As I reached the corner of where my bus arrives, I noticed the cross section blocked off and beyond that half a dozen police cars with armed officers hiding behind their vehicles. There were ambulances everywhere. It had all just happened. The accused, a Pakistani man, went into the Jewish Center shooting a woman outside Starbucks first and opened fire once he got in, killing one woman and wounding another five. One woman was pregnant. He said he was mad at Israel and surrendered within minutes. I got a bus after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, not knowing what exactly was going down at the time.
I remember as a kid, growing up in the 'cold war'. When quite literally everybody thought the threat of global nuclear annihilation was inevitable. However there was some comfort in that. Comfort in knowing that neither side would dare. Who ever pushed the button would have sealed his own fate knowing a counter strike would have been launched immediately unleashing total and complete destruction of the entire human race. Today, the fear of nuclear war has been replaced by the something far more sinister and unnerving. The current state of our planet leaves nobody safe anywhere. If I were a nervy chap, I'd think twice before hopping on a bus each morning, taking my kids to school, flying on planes, walking on the streets of any city in the world.
We are a sickening race of beings. All this hate. Intolerance due to differences of opinions. It's actually quite amusing really to think, these disagreements are over religious points of view. When will the world wake up and realize religion is a fable, a superstition for the feeble and weak. These fundamentalists, christians, Muslims, Jewish are as backward today as they were two thousand years ago. I'm embarrassed for the human race. I look at the Christian fundamentalists here and shake my head in disbelief every single time. I remember the headless hordes traipsing up Croagh Patrick mountain in Ireland, barefoot, by the thousands. All in the name of what exactly? A church, a religion that has been proven time and time again to take complete and utter advantage of its followers, be it lies, deception, scandal and unspeakable acts of sexual depravity. How can people be so stupid? What desperate lived do they lead? Ripe for the picking. Perfect cherries to be taken advantage of. Sheep. Lambs. Pathetic.
On the other hand it amazes me how wonderful and interesting people can be. I love meeting new people. People from all over the world and all walks of life. Sharing cultures, music, art, literature and films. We have so much to offer one another. What causes hate to seep in? Paranoia? Is it just a neighbourly thing? or is it oil, money, greed? fear? or just intolerance of others. How could the U.S. and U.K. not demand a complete and immediate ceasefire in the middle east? Instead they chose to let them fight it out a bit in the hopes that a meaningful ceasefire could be reached at a later date. In the meantime Israel killed sixty people in the village of Qana, 34 of them children, talking shelter in a bunker. I've heard talk radio hosts of the Fox News variety saying things like, Israel told them to get out of town, planes dropped leaflets warning people to leave. Leave? how? the roads are destroyed. Taxis are charging exorbitant prices. Convoys and cars are being shot at and bombed as they try to escape. The outrage to this attrocity was globally condemned after watered down news reports made it into our safe little worlds where any real images would affect news ratings. Imagine the outrage in the Muslim communities where television isn't censored for sensitive viewers.
So what we have now are martyrs. A new generation slain for others to kill in their name. And so the cycle continues. Killing in the name of...