Friday, June 22, 2007

Two Year Anniversary...

It has been two years since our mad journey to the northwest. Looking back I often wonder, how did we do it and what were we thinking!? Two kids, two cats and a dog. A strange city, no family or friends. Not to mention a job! Man, things must have been desperate! Well they weren't, but Dublin wasn't for us either.

Sometimes you have to trust your gut instinct. That alone got us here. And for the first time Lisa and I are in a place the FEELS like 'home'. Sure, we have our challenges, mostly job related, but apart from that, things have worked out. Hardly a day goes by when I don't look around and appreciate my surroundings.

The kids finish school today for the summer. Lucky them. I haven't taken a holiday for more than a long weekend since I got here! I am planning on taking as many long weekends as possible though this summer. Our first camping trip is in two weeks.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Only in Seattle....

...will you hear the legendary Television playing in the supermarket.

So apparently some people read my blog, well two that I know of - Darren and Mike. For you and anyone else out there I am restarting my on line diary.

Since February things have been all over the place. The family are all great but the job has been a roller coaster ride with far more downs than ups. Sundance was great and I got a couple of films for the company out of it. What sucked was, most of the films I saw got picked up by a distributor that is already a client of the company, therefore leaving me without commission - not good. I continued to travel around the country, Austin - Texas, North Carolina, New York and so on - but to little avail. Either the business is changing or I am a complete loser. I'm tending to lean to the second conclusion as I should really be making a living out of music as we all know!

I hit rock bottom at this job after losing a $100,000 deal after courting the filmmaker for 5 months and meeting him all around the country. He shook my hand at one point and agreed to work with us. I just lost another similar deal due to no fault of my own. Ideally I would work somewhere else but finding a job at my age in a hi-tech town without hi-tech skills is impossible.

Lisa, on the other hand has been studying relentlessly and has achieved top marks in all her classes this year. If we can just get through the next 2 years - she will be back working and the pressure will be off my shoulders.

This will do for now. Will keep you posted!

By the way, I was nearly killed in St. Louis airport in February. I was talking on the phone outside waiting for a bus in the middle of a storm. I moved two feet to try and get better reception. With in two seconds I heard an almighty crash that sounded like a cannon going off. A 6ft x 4ft piece of iron that was part of the airport roof - 50 feet above, landed where I was just standing. Lucky is an understatement.
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